Donate To WKDU!

We could use your support. Consider a Donation!

As the area's largest free-format FM station, WKDU has been offering its unique blend of programming since 1970. We play what other stations don't - we support the Philly music community by spinning local artists and having them perform on-air. We play genres and styles ignored by other stations and maintain a diverse schedule of radio programming entirely operated by student and alumni DJs.

Though we are supported by Drexel University via an annual budget, competition for funding among student organizations has reduced this budget significantly. It is for this reason that we are asking for listener support. If you love our station, college radio in general, or want to support an amazing outlet for non-mainstream artists, please consider making a tax-deductible donation.

Checks can be sent to the following address:

ATTN: Support
3210 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Please make all checks out to Drexel University, including WKDU in the memo.


100% of the money you donate goes to our license fees, equipment, Presents shows, and WKDU Merchandise.