Dance Like You're 4 Years Old, Even If You're Only 3½ on Mon 2/22/10

Artist Title Album
Luiz de Aquino Morena
Roland Zoss Barengeburi-Bubuland
Guy Davis I Will Be Your Friend
Justin Roberts Best Friends
Elizabeth Mitchell Jubilee
Marais & Miranda How Does a cow make milk?
Tom Glazer & Dottie Evans Beep, Beep
The Tinnies Right Said Fred Cup of Tea
Anindo Sigalagala
De Band Krijgt Kinderen Alles Uit De Kast
Justin Roberts Day Camp
Kites are Fun the Parallelograms
Ralph Covert All About Bob
Kimya Dawson Bobby-O
Playschool Cast Litterbug
Dr. John Row Row Row Your Boat
Kelly Hogan Rubber Duckie
Tom Glazer Snowflake, Snowflake
The Handsome family Snowball
Laurie Berkner I'm a little snowflake
Dorothy Collins Ice is a Solid
Ella Jenkins You Can't Sink a Rainbow
Laurie Berkner 123

The Ocean Won't Stop

This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 7-8pm
Monday 12-1pm
Bugs, Flower, Shells and Other pretty little things.