Backpack on Fri 2/25/11

Artist Title Album New
Hubcap Nice Day For A Sale Direction
Mogwai Local Authority The Hawk is Howling
Shilpa Ray and Her Happy Hookers Dames a Dime a Dozen Teenage and Torture
Tame Impala Forty One Mosquitos Flying In Tame Impala EP
Akron/Family Say What You Want S/T II: The Cosmic Birth And Journey of Shinju TNT
The Mercury Program Flourescent Laces Chez Viking
Rites of Spring For Want Of LP
The Appleseed Cast The Clock And The Storm Peregrine
The Arrivals The Power Won't Be Staying on for Long Volatile Molotov
Thom McCarthy Nothing Civil I Lost Half of My Album & My Favorite Hat in the '92 Flood


This program is not on the schedule.
Friday 3-4pm
Wednesday 11am-12pm
Monday 11am-12pm
Sunday 7-8pm
Friday 12-1pm
Friday 11am-12pm
Wednesday 10pm-12am
Wednesday 11pm-12am
Wednesday 11pm-12am
60mins of headshaking, weekly.