Dance Like You're Four Years Old, Even If You're Only Three and a Half playlist for Mon 7/6/09

Artist Title Album
Justin Roberts Henrietta's Hair Pop Fly
Jump Up Dan Zanes & Friends Family Dance
Father Goose Jig Jog Gee It's a Bam Bam Diddly
Rolf Harris Sun Arise The Definitive Rolf Haris
Tom Glazer Where is the Stratosphere? Weather Songs
Elizabeth Mitchell & Lisa Loeb Free Little Bird Catch the Moon
Kimya Dawson Uncle Hukee's House Alphabutt
Our Nature is Relentless Lima Research Society Don't Give Up Don't Get Down
Brad McCabe Watch Things Grow
Leonard Nimoy Bilbo Baggins
Terrible Twos Jump Jump Jumo Jerzy Giant
MC Koppakuoriainen Ella ja Aleksi Lenni Lokinpokanen
Arrah and the Ferns Preteens Evan is Vegan
Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele You Can't Force a Dance Party The Good Feeling Music Of
The Ditty Bops Gentle Sheep The Ditty Bops
Ellis Island The Extraordinaires Electric and Benevolent
Kimya Dawson I Like Giants Remember That I Love You

The Ocean Won't Stop

This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 7-8pm
Monday 12-1pm
Bugs, Flower, Shells and Other pretty little things.