Droog Radio on Tue 10/25/11

Artist Title Album New
St. Vincent Surgeon Strange Mercy
Grinderman Worm Tamer Grinderman 2
Harlem Friendly host Hippies
Kasabian Days Are Forgotten Velociraptor!
Radiohead I Might Be Wrong Amnesiac
The Kooks Junk Of The Heart (Happy) Junk Of The Heart
Free Energy Dream City Stuck on Nothing
Thundercat Walkin' The Golden Age of Apocalypse
Smoove & Turrell Slow Down Eccentric Audio
Calvin Harris Colours I Created Disco
Thelonious Monk Straight, No Chaser The Columbia Years (1962-1968)
Analogik Fandango Soen's Folk
Blitzen Trapper Furr Furr
Joe Henry Odetta Reverie
Grizzly Bear While You Wait For The Others Veckatimest
Girls Forgiveness Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Fruit Bats Dolly Tripper
Overlord Keep It from the Baby In Soviet Russia, My Heart Breaks You
Fuck A Vow Those Are Not My Bongos
Fang Island Sideswiper Fang Island
Parts & Labor A Thousand Roads Constant Future
Invisible Hand I Caught Twenty-Two Invisible Hand
Grandaddy I'm On Standby Sumday
Brown Recluse Golden Sun Evening Tapestry
Gogol Bordello Sun On My Side Trans-Continental Hustle
Pavement Shady Lane/J vs. S Brighten the Corners
Real Estate Out of Tune Days

Droog Radio

This program is not on the schedule.
Thursday 9:30-11am
Wednesday 8-10pm
Thursday 8-10pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Wednesday 1-3am
Wednesday 2-4pm
Hey droogie, care to listen to the most horrorshow radio show in Philly? Well strap on your suspenders and fake eyelashes and listen to Droog Radio, playing the finest hipster garbage around. Hope to see you, malchick.