Traffic Jamz on Mon 10/22/12

Artist Title Album
Felix and the Ideals Go Ahead and Cry
The Danderliers May God Be With You
Earl and the Dukes You Made Up For Everything
Art 'Turk' Caraman with the Rhythmaires Falling For You
Gene Chandler and the Dukays Festival of Love
Cathy Jean and the Roomates Make Me Smile Again
Bobby and the Impalas By The Way
Kathy Young and the Innocents Du Du'nt Du This Songs Rules!
Bobby and the Velvets I Promised
Mike Lanzo and the Blue Counts At The Fair
Billy Daye and the Dialtones Twenty Four Hours
The Champlains Ding Dong
The De Vaurs Where Are You
Faith Darling and The Sweet Teens I Love You Darling
Pete Barin and The Belmonts So Wrong
Donnie and The Dreamers Memories of You
Miss Frankie Nolan and The Four Seasons I Still Care
Mamie Bradley and Group I Feel Like A Million
The Eternals Blind Date
The El Dorados Rock 'N' Roll's For Me
The Fantastics Drum Beat
The Exec's Palladium
Eddie Belmar and the Bob Knight Four Love Bells
The Danleers I'm Looking Around
Carol and the Teens Once In Love
The Cameos New Years Eve
Buzzy King & Group School Boy's Blues
Billy and The Patios You Name It
The Bachelor Three Head-Bo and Thread-Bo
Goldie Coates and The Blenders Love Is A Treasure
Junior and The Saharas Without A Song

Traffic Jamz

This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 11am-1pm
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 2-4pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Monday 7-9am
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