Lame Ass Dudes on Tue 8/27/13

Artist Title Album New
Can Soup
Skabs I thought wrong
Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey birds Su Su
Bad Doctors Twilight of the Idols
MIsfits She
Night Birds Golden Opportunity
The Stupids Lifes a Drag
Terveet Kadet Not Right Part 2
Poison Idea Lifestyles
7 Seconds Out Of Touch
Gorilla Biscuits Finish What You Started
Judge Where it went
86 Mentality INtro/Life trap
Blitz Warriors
Sham 69 If the kids are united

Lame Ass Dudes with a Superiority Complex

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Monday 4-6pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Thursday 9-11pm
Monday 6-8pm
Thursday 9-11pm
Feel better than others by listening to bands that play songs.