Dance Like You're Four Years Old, Even If You're Only Three and a Half on Mon 9/28/09

Artist Title Album New
Cathy & Marcy with Chritylez Bacon Syncopated Washboard Rhythm Song
Ella Ja Aleksi MC Koppakuoriainen
Laura Freeman In the Fall
Leadbelly Pollly Wee (The Frog Song)
Peter Combe Kangaroo, Kangaroo
Ralph Covert Fly Me to the Moon
Brett Dennen Just Like the Moon
Uncle Brother Just Say No (To Drugs)
Elizabeth Mitchell Ooby Dooby
Henni Bekker Swazi Sunset
Jens Lekman Friday Night at the Drive-In Bingo
The Jimmies Bedhead
Justin Roberts I Lost the Tooth I Lost
Kitty Daisy & Lewis Polly Put the Kettle On
Tune-yards News
Herman Dune Song for Golda

The Ocean Won't Stop

This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 7-8pm
Monday 12-1pm
Bugs, Flower, Shells and Other pretty little things.