Gallimaufry on Mon 6/27/16

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Deerhoof Life is Suffering The Magic Polyvinyl
Big Star O My Soul Nobody Can Dance Norton Records
Radiator Hospital The Eye Torch Song Salinas Records
Pissed Jeans Sam Kinison Woman Sam Kinison Woman b/w The L Word Sub Pop
Relatively Clean Rivers Journey Through the Valley of O Relatively Clean Rivers ODL
Moby Grape Ooh Mama Ooh Moby Grape '69 Sbcmg
Weaves Tick Weaves Kanine Records
Peace I Need Mercy Black Power Now Again Records
Weaves Buttercup Weaves Buzz Records
Ween Ocean Man Mollusk Elektra Records
White Fang Drugs I've Taken Chunks Burger Records
Acid Mothers Temple Space Age Ballad New Geocentric World of Acid MOthers Temple TuneCore
Lenola Warn Dog Over the Fence The Swerving Corpse Lenola
Atomic Rooster Space Cowboy Made in England Akarma
Thee Oh Sees Goodnight Baby Putrifers II In The Red
Billy Childish Ballad Of a Lost Man Heavens Journey Damaged Goods
The Black Angels An Occurrence at 4507 South Third Street Clear Lake Forest Blue Horizon


Julie Haynes
This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Wednesday 4-6pm
Wednesday 5-6pm
Monday 8-9pm
Monday 6-7pm
Monday 6-7pm
Monday 6-7pm
Sometimes primitive and sometimes sophisticated.
Garage Rock