All Animals Attack All Humans on Tue 10/20/09

Artist Title Album
Der Teenage Panzerkorps government christians
Minimal Man shower sequence
Brainbombs down in the gutter
The Dancing Cigarettes burn in heaven
Teddy and The Frat Girls clubnite
Delta 5 mind your own business
Swell Maps helicopter spies
Feedtime i don't wanna go out
Malignant Growth hopeless
Void time to die
Mad Virgins i am a computer
MX-80 Sound more than good
The Fall various times
Drunkdriver/Mattin list of profound insecurities pt 1...
The Ohsees it killed mom
Drunkdriver/Mattin ...list of profound insecurities pt 1
Lungfish nation saving song
Animal Things it's dark in here
Tripod Jimmie mirror on the wall
The Clash the prisoner
Count Vertigo x-patriots
Bastards liian monta turhaa sotaa
Liimanarina kuinka aku ankasta tehdaan poliisi
Wipers i don't know what i am
The Gordons spik and span
Coitus Int on the escalator
Scrotum Poles pick the cats eyes out
The Verlaines c.d. jimmy jazz and me

All Animals Attack All Humans

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 5-8pm
All Animals Attack All Humans on Tuesdays from 11pm to 1am. Punk died in '78 but that's ok. Seriously, tune in. You need these songs to purge you of 1+ too many years of not too fully realized existence