All Animals Attack All Humans on Tue 11/24/09

Artist Title Album
FNU Ronnies robot skull music
The Fall frightened
Ground Zero ground zero
Mayyors clicks
Monorchid a was for anarchy
Come On don't walk on the kitchen floor
Friction big-s
Beat Happening bad seeds
Bunnybrains on the floor again
Leben Und Arbeiten gefuhl nix gut
Sprung Aus Den Wolken
The Luddites the follower
Stupid Babies baby sitters
Pooh Sticks on tape
The Skulls victim
Universal Order of Armageddon
Deadline stolen youth
Poison Idea self abuse
Harpoon Guns hey man
Bad Brains the big takeover
Homopolice ass fucker
Flipper if i can't be drunk
Vothana tieng ho xuat tron
T.A.S.K. simon's rubbish
Mark E. Smith centimeter square
Reno pequeno salvaje
Mario Castro Neves and Samba SA candomble
X-mal Deutschland incubus succubus
Angry Angles the 15th

All Animals Attack All Humans

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 5-8pm
All Animals Attack All Humans on Tuesdays from 11pm to 1am. Punk died in '78 but that's ok. Seriously, tune in. You need these songs to purge you of 1+ too many years of not too fully realized existence