All Animals Attack All Humans on Tue 12/29/09

Artist Title Album
Circle X tender
Teenage Jesus and The Jerks freud in flop
The Men problems/burning up
Theoretical Girls you got me
Kevin Sheilds paved fury
Sonic Youth disappearer
Minimal Man high why
The Gordons adults and children
P1E dependance
Tyvek you, you, you
Null and Void revlina
Mats Olofsson raket, raket
Chrome zero time
Zimt nullseibenelf
Colin Newman not me
Ohne Untertitel keine zeit
Magik Markers body rot
Nation Of Ulysses atom bomb
No Trend reality breakdown
Billy Bao factory of repression
No Trend teen love
The Fall fortress
The Next cheap rewards
The Sods tin can people
The Cultural Decay sink or swim
Tickley Feather for rent
The Urinals black hole
The Necessaries you can drive my car
Rapeman up beat
Coachwhips wite lights
Negative Trend i got power
Disco Zombies drums over london

All Animals Attack All Humans

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 5-8pm
All Animals Attack All Humans on Tuesdays from 11pm to 1am. Punk died in '78 but that's ok. Seriously, tune in. You need these songs to purge you of 1+ too many years of not too fully realized existence