Cannon to a Whisper on Wed 1/27/10

Only putting new songs up now. Will put up full Playlist later.

Artist Title Album New
Joan Of Arc Owen - No More No Where Don't Mind Control
The Album Leaf Perro A Chorus Of Storytellers
The Album Leaf Blank Pages A Chorus Of Storytellers
Person L Hole In The Fence The Positives
Person L Good Days The Positives

Cannon to a Whisper

This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 8-10pm
Monday 9-11pm
Monday 11pm-1am
Tuesday 12-3pm
Thursday 4-6pm
Wednesday 12-2pm
Fast and slow. Loud and soft. Cannon To A Whisper has twinkly guitars and math-y time signatures and yelling and screaming and sometimes its kind of punk rock. Sometimes its ambient and soft and sleepy. Other times it borders on hardcore. Check it out.

Fast and slow. Loud and soft.
Cannon To A Whisper has twinkly guitars and math-y time signatures and yelling and screaming and sometimes its kind of punk rock.
Sometimes its ambient and soft and sleepy. Other times it borders on hardcore.
Check it out.
