In 1976, This Is Not This Heat played its first show. Over 40 years later, founding members Charles Bullen and Charles Hayward reunite, with a host of special guests. They will be joined by Sontag Shogun, an experimental trio that makes use of abstract solo piano and live analog sound treatment. Stay tuned for the announcement of the secret artist (*PALM*!!) and also check out the second night of Smilin' Ambassador Fest with faUSt, ZS, and ONO!
Time | Venue | Age | |
David Nail | 7:30pm | City Winery Philadelphia | 21+ |
Dromedaries x Alexoteric | 8:00pm | Solar Myth | 21+ |
Time | Venue | Age | |
The Bul Bey / Balmour / ANGELCONCEPCION | 8:00pm | Johnny Brenda's | 21+ |
ShyGodwin / Pearl / Unity | 8:00pm | Milkboy Philly | 21+ |
Time | Venue | Age | |
Sasquatch / Sick-A-Billys | 7:00pm | Silk City | 21+ |
Light Beams / Mesh / Eraser | 8:00pm | Cousin Danny's | 21+ |
Handsome Dick Manitoba | 8:00pm | Kung Fu Necktie | 21+ |
WKDU Presents: Disaster Artist "Bag of Infinite Songs" Release w/ Venus Twins + Friend | 8:00pm | PhilaMOCA | All Ages |
Shid / Sloptart / Double Suede / The Polychromatics | 8:00pm | Ortlieb's | 21+ |
Time | Venue | Age | |
Flatwaves / Silent Mass / Dark Arc / Hauntress | 7:00pm | Johnny Brenda's | 21+ |
Time | Venue | Age | |
Gouge Away / Gumm / Portrayal of Guilt | 7:30pm | Ukie Club | All Ages |
WKDU Supports: Gouge Away, Gumm, and Portrayal of Guilt | 7:30pm | Ukie Club | All Ages |
Time | Venue | Age | |
Dua Saleh | 8:00pm | PhilaMOCA | All Ages |
Time | Venue | Age | |
Kahil El'Zabar's Ethnic Heritage Ensemble (Night #1) | 8:00pm | Solar Myth | 21+ |
Time | Venue | Age | |
Kahil El'Zabar's Ethnic Heritage Ensemble (Night #2) | 8:00pm | Solar Myth | 21+ |