Dawn of the Apocalypse on Mon 5/24/10

Fuck you. Hail Satan.

Artist Title Album New
Salome Black Tides Salome
Wolvhammer Bathed in Moonblood and Wolflight Dawn of the 4th
The Body Culture Destroyers The Body
Darkthrone Stylized Corpse Circle the Wagons
Throne Of Katarsis Summoning the Horns Helvete - Det Iskalde Morket
Saros Devouring Conscience Acrid Planes
Aaskeria Winternacht Mit Raben und Woelfen
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult In the Land of the Mountains of Trees Follow the Calls for Battle
Inquisition Nocturnal Gatherings and Wicked Rites Nefarious Dismal Omens
EyeHateGod Kill Your Boss Take as Needed for Pain
Rippikoulu Verinen Lapsuus Mutaation Aihneuttama Sisaine
Dispirit Bitumen Amnii Rehearsel at Oboroten
Noctis Imperium Maze of Torment (Morbid Angel cover) Imperium
Blut Aus Nord Acceptance (Aske) Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue with the Stars
Sanguis Imperem The Fall of 66 The Stagnation of Centuries
Sin of Angels Eta Carinae In the Grip of Despair
Sadomator Baphomet's Vomit Sadomatic Goat Cult
Skeletal Spectre Eerie Bones Tomb Coven
Order From Chaos Iconoclasm Conquest Stillbirth Machine
Wormrot Freedom to Act Abuse
Weekend Nachos We Just Might (Youth of Today) It's a Wonderful Life
Revenge Barbed Anti (No Remorse) Infiltration. Downfall. Death.

Dawn of the Apocalypse

This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 3-5pm
Monday 5-7pm
Aural assaults and sickening horror - Grim Kim brings you the ugliest, nastiest, heaviest slabs of Satanic filth, skull-crushing sludge, unending grimness, throat-shredding brutality, nihilistic doom, fuzzed-out amplifier worship, basement blackthrash, and all things heavy, hard, and hateful.Listen to Dawn of the Apocalypse, Philly's only 100% EXTREME METAL show, Wednesdays from 5-7pm.