Usual Revolution and Then Some on Mon 8/2/10

Artist Title Album Label New
Tokyo Police Club Breakneck Speed Champ Mom and Pop
Teenage Fanclub Baby Lee Shadows Merge
Kele The other Side The boxer Glassnote
The futureheads Struck Dumb The chaos Nul
Arcade Fire Rebellion (lies) Funeral Merge
Asian Kung fu Generation Re:Re Rock in Japan Fes Ki/oon
Avengers in Sci-fi Save our Rock Science Rock Victor
Cursive Into the Fold Happy Hollow Saddle Creek
Nell 12 seconds Separation Anxiety Woolim
Buffalo Daughter Socks, Drugs and Rock and Roll New Rock Grand Royal
LEMS Hello Beat Ping Pong Box
Arcade Fire The Suburbs The Suburbs Merge
Wolf Parade Yulia Expo 86 Subpop
Cubesato Hello? Whitecrest Youngerparker
Backseat Dreamer Moment in Time The colors of dreams, you can see them Stickfigure
The futureheads Heartbeat song THe chaos Nul
Tokyo Police Club Favorite Color Champ Mom and Pop
G-dragon Station 1 year Heartbreaker YG
Lykke Li Dance Dance Dance Youth Novels LL
Discovery So Insane LP XL
Arcade Fire Intervention Neon Bible Merge
Maxence Cyrine Where is my mind Cover
Fantastic Plastic Machine Reaching for the Stars FPM Best Avex

Elephant, Some Bread, You and Me

La Rabia
This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 8-10pm
Monday 5-8pm
Thursday 10am-12pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Monday 5-7pm
Wednesday 7-9am
Tuesday 8-10am
Mellow beats, jazzy chillouts, coffee jams