Eclettico covered by kevin.m on Mon 2/28/11

Artist Title Album New
Sadgiqacea Thy Will Be None Split with Ominous Black
Refused Worthless Is The Freedom Bought... Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent
Tyvek Underwater 2 Nothing Fits
RKL Life in a Bottle Keep Laughing...
Reagan Youth Urban Savages For God and Country
Dark Sea Dream "Not Till You Pull That Trigger, Boy" Dark Sea Dream
Backwoods Payback Pat The Bat Use Magic to Kill Death
Zen Guerrilla Wee Wee Hours Caterpillar/Zen Guerrilla Split 12"
Karma To Burn Seven ST 10"
Pissed Jeans Lip Ring King of Jeans
Crocodiles Billy Speed Sleep Forever
Battles Prismism Mirrored
Don Caballero I Never Liked You American Don
The Appleseed Cast Kilgore Trout Mare Vitalis
Dinosaur Jr Mountain Man Dinosaur
Aficionado I Don't Believe We've Met The Myth About Real Life
This Town Needs Guns 26 is Dancier than 4 Animals
Baroness Tower Falls First and Second


This program is not on the schedule.
Thursday 11am-1pm
Monday 5-7pm
Friday 7-9am
Eclectic music to keep you entertained.