The Shuffle on Wed 3/9/11

Weird electronic shtuff mixed with folky indie, fun

Artist Title Album New
Terrestrial Tones The Sailor Dead Drunk
Euphone Wickedness Calendar of Unlucky Days
The Dodos Nerds Beware of the Maniacs
Talkdemonic Final Russian Mutiny Sunshine
As the Poets Affirm Literary Non Fiction I Want To Tell My Heart To You, But I Cannot Say English
Man Man Poor Jackie Rabbits Habbits
Explosions in the Sky Trembling Hands Single
Department of Eagles In Ear Park Floating on the Lehigh
Robin Pecknold I'm Losing Myself (feat. Ed Droste) songs
The Microphones Solar System Mount Eerie
Mount Eerie Stop Singing No Flashlight
Tv on the Radio Tonight Return to Cookie Mountain
Le Loup Canto xxxiv The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General Assembly
Lotus Plaza These Years Floodlight Collective
Eric Copeland Oreo Hermaphrodite
The Books Group Autogenics II The Way Out
Caribou Sun Swim
Black Moth Super Rainbow with the Octopus Project Tony Face The House of Apples and Eyeballs
Telekinesis 50 Ways 12 Desperate Straight Lines
Yuck Operation Yuck
Beady Eyes Millionaire Different Gear, Still Speeding
June Divided Bullet The Other Side of You
Bayside Already Gone Killing Time
Football Etc. Safety The Draft

The Shuffle

This program is not on the schedule.
Thursday 1-2pm
Friday 1-3pm
Wednesday 12-2pm
Wednesday 12-2pm
Friday 9-10am
Like you hit the shuffle button in my head.