Artist | Title | Album | New |
Eyehategod | Blank | Take as Needed for Pain | |
Wolfbrigade | Fran Vaggen Till Graven | In Darkness You Feel No Regrets | |
Sig:Ar:Tyr | Etched in Stone | ||
Endstille | Ripping Angelflesh | Fruhlingserwacchen | |
Coffins | Mortification to Ruin | Buried Death | |
Mayhem | Freezing Moon | De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas | |
Merrimack | Cold Earth Mourning | Grey Rigorism | |
Howl | King of Steel | Howl | ✔ |
Marduk | Nowhere, No One, Nothing | Wormwood | |
Shrinebuilder | Pyramid of the Moon | ||
Grave Miasma | Pillars | Exalted Emanation | |
1349 | Maggot Fetus | Revelations of the Black Flame | ✔ |
Culted | Social Control | Below the Thunders of the Upper Deep | ✔ |
Scythian | Pray to War | To Those Who Stand Against Us... | |
The Atlas Moth | One Amongst the Wheat Fields | A Glorified Piece of BlueSky | |
Deadbird | Children of God | For the Sick - EHG Tribute | |
Bastards | Guilty as Charred | s/t | |
Teitanblood | Extermination Temple | Black Putrescence of Evil | |
Moss | Maiimed & Slaughtered | Tombs of the Blind Drugged | |
Saint Vitus | Born Too Late | Born Too Late | |
Blut Aus Nord | Elevation (The Dawn of the Gods) |