Longformative on Mon 4/4/16

Artist Title Album
David Rothenberg, Bernhard Wostheinrich, Jay Nicholas Dystopia is Cheap Cool Spring
toe Past And Language The Book About My Idle Plot On A Vague Anxiety
Gestalt Juvenile Love Story The Impending Adorations
Matt Chamberlain, Viktor Krauss, Dan Phelps Hollow Earth MODULAR
Quartz Safari Pineal Origins Pineal Origins
The Caretaker Von Restorff effect Persistent repetition of phrases
Fennel Deep Sky Relics
Rhian Sheehan Somnus Stories From Elsewhere
Slow Dancing Society By Your Side Under The Sodium Lights
P27 Tune I Fern
Noveller No Dreams No Dreams


This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Friday 3-4pm
An hour-long foray into modern classical, ambient, and experimental music by a guy whose first show was called Another Indie Playlist (yay for new experiences!). May or may not also include some conversation segments about anything and everything. We’ll just have to see about that one.
Modern Classical