Freelance Cabana Boy on Mon 5/2/16

Artist Title Album New Local
The Beds Gagger
Gag Locker Room
Insect Warfare Hydraphobia
Windhand Crypt Key
Bad Breeding Corrupting Fist
Girl Band In Plastic
Soul Glo Violence Against Black Women Goes Largely Unreported
Unwound Understand & Forget - KAOS Session
Polvo Thermal Treasure
Wand Flesh Tour
Guerilla Toss Big Brick
The Bulletproof Tiger Franko Spanko's Greatest Hits
Edelweiss Goblin
Protomartyr Pagans
Porches Mood
Foals Heavy Water
The Body, Full of Hell Fleshworks
NAH thinking for you
Schwefelgelb Solange du atmest
Los Angeles Police Department Cave
Porches Permanent Loan
Clark Omni Vignette

Hialeah Radio

This program is not on the schedule.
Friday 12-2am
Wednesday 12-1pm
Wednesday 12-2pm
Wednesday 12-2pm
Monday 5-6pm
Monday 12-1am
Hosted by Tony Young, Hialeah Radio broadcasts in full technicolor live Tuesdays 10:00am-12:00pm. A variety show, airing a different mix every week, @HialeahRadio plays it how it is. Broadcasts archived on Mixcloud
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