Longformative on Wed 10/12/16

Artist Title Album
PLUM New Globe New Globe
Christopher Tignor The Will and the Waiting Along A Vanishing Plane
Danny Norbury Speak, Memory Dusk
Valotihkuu An Attempt To Fly Lost In The Beautiful Noise
Fjordne Trees See All The Setting Sun
Takahiro Kido rust Summer in Tokyo Fairy Tale
Annie Ellicott Daddy Longlegs (feat. Orla Wren) Lonesome Goldmine
Kit Girl Walking On The Beach Wearing A Skirt Tre em
Kate Carr Sound Art In Barcelona Fabulations
chihei hatakeyama white sun white sun [alm 58]
Steve Moore Protomorphosis Light Echoes
Julia White you're rose in the cities of dust
Empty Patterns Door One: Abstraction Far From Here


This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Friday 3-4pm
An hour-long foray into modern classical, ambient, and experimental music by a guy whose first show was called Another Indie Playlist (yay for new experiences!). May or may not also include some conversation segments about anything and everything. We’ll just have to see about that one.
Modern Classical