Snack Time on Wed 11/29/17

Artist Title Album Label
92elm Down
Joji Bitter Heck In Tongues 88rising
Petit Biscuit Problems ft. Lido Presence
Amparo Ruby
Adam Ahuja Evolve Into pt 1
Sophie Meiers x Vide Shores
Artsea Low Phone Battery
Calvin Harris Slide (Boogietraxx remix)
ID A Little Closer
PINES This Life
Slammerkin Morning
Oscar Benderson Running ft Bruce
Ian Battenfield Headley Duskwells
Rex Wang Time is Up
Jason Nolan Batu
Plush Talk Marathon Nights
Jon Reve Looking for Love, Again
Arlo Safe
Benji Blow KINGS
Hoeksema Wake Ache
KOWL You, Me
ID Pale City
Golda NSFW
Zap Holmes Polypheme Hills
RAC Unusual ft MNDR (Instupendo remix)
LEJKEYS We Are Made of ft Kajo

Snack Time

Ben . Cynabel
This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 2-4pm
Tuesday 11am-1pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Friday 2-4pm
Friday 2-4pm
Friday 2-4pm
Friday 2-4pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Friday 2-4pm
Friday 11pm-1am
Friday 11pm-1am
Friday 11pm-1am
Snack Time features guest performances and interviews from innovative artists in Philadelphia and around the globe. Follow @snacktimetunes on Twitter to find out who will be on air next!
bedroom pop
indie electronica
emo pocket grooves