Metal & Coffee on Sun 12/1/19

Artist Title Album
Forest of Tygers Night's Ember
Forming the Void Transient
Bask Three White Feet
TesseracT Of Mind - Nocturne
Morbid Angel Summoning Redemption
Intronaut The Welding
East of the Wall Tell Them I'm Sorry
Mick Gordon (DOOM Soundtrack) SkullHacker
Green Meteor Acute Emerald Elevation
Genghis Tron I Won't Come Back Alive
ORO Tusen kroppar
Poison The Well Pamplemousse

Metal & Coffee

This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 10am-12pm
Sunday 9-10am
"I'll take a caramel macchiato, grande, with 3 shots of THE LATEST AND GREATEST METAL."
Sludge Metal
Stoner Metal
Progressive Metal