Kick It! on Tue 4/5/22

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Joyce Manor Gotta Let It Go Gotta Let It Go Epitaph
Frances Quinlan Your Reply Likewise
Slaughter Beach, Dog Acolyte Birdie Lame-O
Origami Angel 24 Hr Drive-Thru Somewhere City
Microwave Lighterless Much Love
PUP Totally Fine Totally Fine
Ice Nine Kills Hunting Season Hunting Season Fearless
Just Friends Hot Hella
COIN Killing Me Uncanny Valley
Michael Cera Palin Go Home. Play Music. Feel Better. undefined
American Football But The Regrets Are Killing Me American Football
Wet Leg Wet Dream Wet Dream
Title Fight Safe In Your Skin Shed
Basement Covet Coolurmeinkindness
Descendents Silly Girl I Don't Wanna Grow Up
Rancid Maxwell Murder ...And Out Came The Wolves

Kick It!

This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 4-6pm
Tuesday 3-4pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Monday 4-6pm
Monday 4-6pm
Monday 2-4pm
It's been a minute but Kick It! is back \m/ Join me as you skate, mentally dissociate from the end of a work day, or procrastinate studying every Tuesday 3-4 as we explore indie, folk, emo, punk, alternative, whateveri'minthemoodofor
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