Full End on Mon 10/26/09

Hysterical Endocrines Letharge Luminescent Almonds

Artist Title Album New
Hella Elkan Since Republic of R+B Bitches Ain't Shit But Good People
Wavves To The Dregs/Horse Sholes Daytrotter Session
Monotonix Something Had Dried Where Were You When It Happened?
Bear In Heaven You Do You Beast Rest Forth Mouth
Lightning Bolt Dracula Mountain Wonderful Rainbow
The Blood Brothers Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck Crimes
Crystal Antlers Your Spears Tentacles
Crystal Antlers Andrew Tentacles
Deerhoof Tiger Chain The Man, The King, The Girl
Portugal. The Man Waiter Waiter: "You Vultures!"
Portugal. The Man Chicago Waiter: "You Vultures!"
Health We Are Water Get Color
Diamond Watch Wrists Epidemic Episodes of Epidemics Ice Capped On Both Ends
Six Organs of Admittance Anesthesia Luminous Night
Six Organs of Admittance This Hand Dark Noontide
The Antlers Shiva Hospice
Broken Social Scene Fire Eye'd Boy Broken Social Scene
Pela Latitudes All In Time
Pela Episodes All In Time
Sufjan Stevens Movement III: Linear Tableau With Intersecting Surprise The BQE
Clogs Lullaby For Sue Lullaby For Sue
Bear In Heaven Deafening Love Beast Rest Forth Mouth
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Bells At The Slipstream Megaritual
El Grupo Nuevo De Omar Rodriguez Lopez Shake Is For 8th Graders Cryptomnesia
The Blood Brothers Burn, Piano Island, Burn Burn, Piano Island, Burn
At The Drive-In 300 Mhz Vaya [EP]
Colour Revolt Moses of the South Daytrotter Session
Colour Revolt What Will Come Of Us Plunder, Beg, and Curse

Full End

Jarret Nathan
This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 4-5pm
Wednesday 2-3pm
Hella and Goodies on Full End Radio.

Full end, Full end, Full end.
The equipped will fall with a matter of fact
The unprepared will flourish over the cast of the hum.
He took his things out to the bin and left them there to sit. "These things should sit."
The bin could be called Evolved at the end of the stone walk.
He walked back up the stone walk. Over the cobble.
to the next bin sitting down by the mailbox under the tree.
"What are you putting in the bin today?", the bin said.
"I am putting the whole past in the bin."

He walked with his past in hand, hand in pocket.
The last bin was side by side with a small bush. He tossed the past in the last bin but the pocket came with it.
"I’ve lost a pocket."

Full end.
