All Animals Attack All Humans on Wed 10/28/09

Artist Title Album
Heavy Winged witches cradle
Scratch Acid lay screaming
Tinopeners i'm not your type
Bob thomas edison
Crash Normal plastic bar + cheveu cover
Psychotic Tanks let's have a party
Circle X tender
Facteur Kamakaze michael missile f-17
Inflatable Boy Clams i'm sorry
Butthole Surfers gary floyd (live)
The Sniveling Shits isgodaman?
Disorder law and order
Wrangler Brutes erase the faces
The F.U.s ceta suckers
Homostupids nighttime flies
Homostupids baking the wolf
Clockcleaner divine hammer
Bastro recidivist
Titmachine schneller
Clara Ward california dreaming
Kurt Vile kraut
The Abwarts unfall
Unknown European Group untitled
Subtle Turnhips dinner time
ICI Paris le centre du monde
I'm So Hollow distraction
2-3 where to now?
Subway Sect don't split it
The Dream Syndicate halloween undefined

All Animals Attack All Humans

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 5-8pm
All Animals Attack All Humans on Tuesdays from 11pm to 1am. Punk died in '78 but that's ok. Seriously, tune in. You need these songs to purge you of 1+ too many years of not too fully realized existence