Dance Like You're Four Years Old, Even If You're Only Three and a Half on Mon 11/9/09

Artist Title Album
They Might Be Giants Electric Car
Buckwheat Zydeco Crwafish Song
Captian Bogg & Salty I'm a Pirate
Elizabeth Mitchell 3 is the Magic Number
Ella Ja Aleksi Talventorrottajat
Fatcat Fishface Impossible Dancing Song
The Jimmies Cool to be Uncool
Joel Frankel Animal Rainbow
Ralph Covert Fee Fi Fo Fum
Tom Chapin Good Garbage
Yo Gabba Gabba! Try It, You'll Like it
Laurie Berkner We Are Dinosaurs
Mister Whiskers I am a Fine musician
Terrible Twos Great big poop
Father Goose Mary Ann
Math the Band Bees
Midtown Dickens Tetris

The Ocean Won't Stop

This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 7-8pm
Monday 12-1pm
Bugs, Flower, Shells and Other pretty little things.