The Endless Road Trip on Wed 2/12/25

Episode 37: a haiku
i have a secret
i don't know how to 2-step
but i sure can try

Artist Title Album Label New Local
OLTH OH my gOd i HaTe THis feeLing, my HearT wOnT sTOp beaTing every day is sOmeOne's speciaL day
Precious Little Life Generic Four's Company
Ethel Cain Punish Perverts
I Hate Sex San Francisco Circle Thinking
Saetia Three Faces Past single new
Cameron Winter We're Thinking the Same Thing Heavy Metal
Orchid New Jersey Vs. Valhalla Chaos is Me
Shin Guard Grief Instilled Death of Spring
Sparklehorse Devil's New It's a Wonderful Life
Mk.gee I Want Two Star & The Dream Police
Gia Margaret City Song Romantic Piano
Indian Summer Woolworm Giving Birth to Thunder
The Summer We Went West Praise, The Holy Moon Goddess! Following the Holy Moon Goddess
godf**k End of Everything (EOE) The Sound of Computers Thinking

The Endless Road Trip

Wednesday 2-3pm
Wednesday 2-3pm
Wednesday 10-11am
Wednesday 12-1pm
Songs like comfort food.
Indie Folk
Alt Country
Broadcast Type: 