Dance Like You're Four Years Old, Even If You're Only Three and a Half on Mon 1/11/10

Artist Title Album New
They Might Be Giants Speed and Velocity
Money Mark Robo Dancing
Ella Jenkins Yes and No
Clifton Chenier Choo Choo Ch'Boogie
Ralph Covert Red Banana
Ella Ja Aleksi Hamaran Hyssy
Maggie G. Let's Bake Some Cookies
Tommy Gardner Lunch Trade
Justin Roberts Doctor Doctor
Terrible Twos A Rake, A Broom, A Mop, A Shovel
Justin Roberts Roller in the Coaster
Freakwater Little Red Riding Hood
Laurie Berkner The Pretzel Store
Lima Research Society Our Nature ia Relentless
Rickard Javerling May & Lee
Sisters 3 Little Lainey Loo
Sway Leigh Cheri
Transmittens Meet me at the Swings
Arrahs and the Ferns Tokyo, Tokyo

The Ocean Won't Stop

This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 7-8pm
Monday 12-1pm
Bugs, Flower, Shells and Other pretty little things.