everything i own is broken or bent on Thu 1/14/10


Artist Title Album New
Jawbox ls/mft For Your Own Special Sweetheart (Reissue)
v-3 negotiate nothing negotiate nothing
Thomas Function no end in sight In The Valley Of Sickness
mars 3e the complete studio recordings
pink reason throw it away throw it away ep
flipper southern california public flipper limited
comets on fire got a feelin' comets on fire
dinosaur jr alone hand it over
dicks dead in a motel room 1980-1986
Dan Melchior 1000 times Skulls Without Borders (Siltbreeze Records)
floor chelsea floor/sloth split ep
floor pigs floor/sloth split ep
jesus lizard mouthbreather goat (remastered)
Home Blitz is anybody there? Out Of Phase
Dangerbird no hope on hope street Homestead
nation of ulysses n-sub ulysses plays pretty for baby
nation of ulysses a comment on ritual plays pretty for baby
Devil Eyes rip my heart out S/t
dillinger four maximum piss & vinegar versus god
oblivians bad man popular favorites
oblivians part of your plan popular favorites

everything i own is broken or bent

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 8-10pm
Thursday 9-11pm
"everything i own is broken or bent", broadcasting whenever we feelz like it. we aim primarily for contemporary anthems for disagreeable persons. we operate without a plan and we do it under the guise of "free format radio". please tune in.