everything i own is broken or bent on Thu 1/28/10

i missed last week. thanks yoni for filling in.

Artist Title Album New
afghan whigs crime scene, part one black love
Jawbox ls/mft For Your Own Special Sweetheart (Reissue)
the anals shes the man total anal
Home Blitz is anybody there? Out Of Phase
Dangerbird frank Homestead
brainbombs wishing a slow death burning hell
Jeff The Brotherhood growing Heavy Days
dow jones & the industrials can't stand the midwest can't stand the midwest ep
Angry Serfs pigs is pigs Livin' In The 00's
the marked men sully my name fix my brain
Microbabies space is full of boners Leepyepeepee
mudhoney twenty four superfuzz bigmuff
lungfish shed the world artifical horizons
hue blanc's joyless ones ballad of soloth sar arriere garde
AFCGT two legged dog AFCGT LP + 7"
night wounds damage allergic to heat
june of '44 lawn bowler tropics and meridians
ty segall & mikal cronin take up thy stethoscope and walk reverse shark attack
Lighten Up invisible checks Absolutely Not
uv race meet me under the clocks uv wave
Axemen the church of the loosely brethern Scary! Pt. III
Easter Monkeys nailed to the cross Splendor Of Sorrow
Pierced Arrows paranoia Descending Shadows
pissed jeans i'm turning now hope for men

everything i own is broken or bent

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 8-10pm
Thursday 9-11pm
"everything i own is broken or bent", broadcasting whenever we feelz like it. we aim primarily for contemporary anthems for disagreeable persons. we operate without a plan and we do it under the guise of "free format radio". please tune in.