

I started broadcasting as a radio pirate on a 20 watt, West Philadelphia station at 91.3FM which was called Radio Mutiny. My show featured safer sex and harm reduction information mixed with music of all genres. The station became a target of FCC scrutiny quickly, as the FCC triangulated our station we joined the movement of stations popping up across the United States. We decided as a group to engage the FCC in a dialogue which culminated in my addressing the FCC in a public debate that pitted the Enforcement arm of the FCC against the pirate movement which became known as Low Power FM radio (LPFM). In order to keep the FCC from dragging me out of the studio to jail, I did my show naked, daring the FCC to shut us down our small but feisty station. The LPFM movement suceeded in legalizing a new radio service for the USA. Prometheus Radio Project was born to help community groups and non-profit organizations take to the air legally without fear of sanctions by the FCC. I am proud to have served as a conduit between the people and the government. www.prometheusradio.org, www.wpeb881.org


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9 years 43 weeks
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Flaming Arrow
on Spring 2015 Saturday 8-9:30am, Summer 2015 Sunday 10am-12pm and Thursday 4-6pm, Winter 2016 Sunday 10am-12pm, Spring 2016 Wednesday 4-6pm, Summer 2016 Wednesday 4-6pm, Fall 2016 Tuesday 4-6pm, Winter 2017 Tuesday 4-6pm, Spring 2017 Tuesday 4-6pm, Summer 2017 Tuesday 4-6pm, Fall 2017 Tuesday 4-6pm, Winter 2018 Tuesday 4-6pm, Spring 2018 Tuesday 4-6pm, Fall 2018 Monday 4-6pm, Winter 2019 Tuesday 4-6pm, Spring 2019 Tuesday 4-6pm, Fall 2019 Thursday 4-6pm, Winter 2020 Thursday 4-6pm, Spring 2020 Thursday 4-6pm, Winter 2021 (COVID) Thursday 12-2pm, Spring 2021 Thursday 4-6pm, Summer 2021 Thursday 4-6pm, Fall 2021 Thursday 4-6pm, Winter 2022 Thursday 4-6pm, Spring 2022 Thursday 4-6pm, Summer 2022 Thursday 4-6pm, Fall 2022 Thursday 4-6pm, Winter 2023 Thursday 4-6pm, Spring 2023 Thursday 4-6pm, Summer 2023 Thursday 4-6pm, Fall 2023 Thursday 4-6pm, Winter 2024 Thursday 4-6pm, Spring 2024 Thursday 4-6pm and Summer 2024 Thursday 4-6pm.