Jazzy Vibezzz on Tue 1/27/15

Artist Title Album
Jaco Pastorious Opus Pocus Jaco Pastorious
Alice Coltrane My Favorite Things World Galaxy
Herbie Hancock Fat Albert Rotunda Fat Albert Rotunda
Donald Byrd The Dude Electric Byrd
Weather Report Medley: Vertical Invader/T.H./Dr. Honoris Causa I Sing The Body Electric
Sloche Stadaconé Sloche
Soft Machine Slightly All The Time Third
The Quintet One of a Kind V.S.O.P.: The Quintet
Sun Ra Springtime Again Sleeping Beauty

Jazzy Vibezzz

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Monday 4-6pm
Monday 8-10pm
Monday 8-10pm
Thursday 4-6pm
~~ THE THIRD-BEST JAZZ RADIO SHOW THIS SIDE OF THE DIAL SINCE 2K13 ~~ "When I die I want them to play the BLACK AND CRAZY BLUES, I want to be cremated, put in a bag of pot and I want beautiful people to smoke me and hope they got something out of it." -Rahsaan Roland Kirk
Derivatives of Jazz
Jazzy Stuff I Guess