Sunday, July 27, 2025 - 8:00pm
The combination of modular synthesizer and viola is an uncommon one, but Jeremiah Chiu and Marta Sofia Honer manage to create a distinctive dyad that comes together with grace and truth. They’ve accomplished this by bringing much more than their respective axes to the table. Years of collaboration, cohabitation, shared experience, and separate but equally inspired commitments to utilitarian cultural work bind their disparate timbres together into a singular aesthetic reality. The two artists were both active members of the notoriously interconnected improvisational and experimental Chicago music scenes before migrating to Los Angeles. to continue developing their respective careers and crafts in sunnier climes. Since then Honer has become a first-call session player for the likes of Adrian Younge and Beyoncé, and has played on recordings by Angel Olsen, Fleet Foxes, and Stanley Clarke, among others. Chiu has become an active intersectional community organizer and generated a strong unit of regular musical collaborators that includes Celia Hollander, Booker Stardrum, Ben Babbitt, Dustin Wong, Takako Minekawa, and Sam Prekop.