WKDU Supports: WKDU Broadcasts: Mad Dragon Showcase with Free Energy

Thursday, March 3, 2011 - 7:00pm

All Ages

WKDU will be broadcasting Mad Dragon's showcase which includes: Free Energy, The Spinning Leaves, Hezekiah Jones, Toy Soldiers, and Kuf Knotz

Drexel University’s Westphal College of Media Arts & Design’s student-run record label, MAD Dragon Records (MDR) and student-run concert promotion’s arm (MADKO Concerts) brings an all-star line-up to the stage for this year’s MAD Dragon Concert on Thursday, March 3. The annual concert, held at the Mandell Theater (33rd & Chestnut Streets) will showcase an exciting group of Philly acts including MAD Dragon Recording artists: The Spinning Leaves, Hezekiah Jones, Toy Soldiers and hip-hop MC Kuf Knotz. Headlining the concert is Philadelphia rockers Free Energy (Astralwerks), on the heels of several year-end polls claiming Free Energy as “artist to watch” in 2011. Doors open at 7 PM and admission to the event is $10 to the general public or free for Drexel students (with valid student ID). All ages are welcome.