Music that Kills Puppies on Mon 10/11/10

Artist Title Album New
Unearthly Trance Into the Chasm V
At the Gates Slauhter of the Soul Slaughter of the Soul
Eucharist Mirrorworld Mirrorworlds
Arsis Veil of Mourning Black As Regret Become Guilt
Sacrilege Sweet Moment of Triumph The Fifth Season
Death Regurgitated Guts Scream Bloody Gore
Crypt of Kerberos The Anceint War World of Myths
Carcass Corporal Jigsore Quandry Necroticism: Descanting the Insalubrious
General Surgery Enforced Acceleration Disingtegration Constant Split w/ Butcher ABC
At the Gates Captor of Sin (Slayer cover) Slaughter of the Soul
Vektor Black Future Black Future
Vulcan Stranger in Black Anthrosphere Vol. II
All Out War Apathetic Genocide Into the Killing Field
Kreator Storming with Menace Terrible Certainty
Black Anvil Ultimate Reality Triumvirate
Gorgoroth Ritual Pentagram
Marduk 502 Panzer Division Marduk
Ludicra In Stable The Tenant
Woe Quietly, Undramaticaly Quietly, Undramatically
Ulver Kapitel V: Bergtatt - Ind I Fjeldkamrene Bergtatt
Haethen Wanderer, Opus V Wanderer
Grand Belial's Key The Slums of Jerusalem Mocking the Philanthropist
Wormrot Mind Control Split w/ I, Abhor
Kill the Client False Flag Attack This Comp Kills Fascists Vol I
Assuck Wartorn Misery Index

Music that Kills Puppies

This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 9-11pm
Monday 8-10pm
Monday 8-10pm
Monday 8-10pm
Monday 7-9pm
Monday 7-9pm
Tuesday 5-7pm
Monday 5-7pm
Monday 7-9pm
I command you to listen to Music that Kills Puppies. And, no, I don't mean the music Michael Vick listens to. Scare away your friends and family with music that your grandma thinks sounds like hedge-clippers. Not bound by stigma, creed, or ethos; a potent mix of the most hellish music this world has to offer.

Big Balls, Bigger Riffs.
