The Shuffle on Wed 10/13/10

Artist Title Album New
John Zorn You Will Be Shot Naked City
Rooftops Leafy Stair A Forest Of Polarity
Envy Pieces of the Moon I Weaved Recitation
Exit Calm Hearts and Minds Exit Calm
Superchunk My Gap Feels Weird Majesty Shredding
The Nation of Ulysses A kid who tells on another kids a dead kid 13 point program to Destroy America
Drive Like Jehu Turn It Off Drive Like Jehu
Cap'n Jazz Rocky Rococo Analphabetapolothology
Street Smart Cyclist Hoods Up Demo
Snowing Kirk Cameron Crowe Snowing 7"
1994! Luke Gone Lady
The Greek Favourites One Knot Songs In the Key of Ayyyy
Algernon Cadwallader Horror Some Kind of Cadwallader
Boleyn Irish Architecture Nothings All Right
Dear and The Headlights If Not For My Glasses Drunk Like Bible Times
Hightide Hotel Apartment Buildings By Surprise/Hightide Hotel
By Surprise I Miss You, Etc. By Surprise/Hightide Hotel
Pirouette Calm Cool Collected A Bunch of Sht No One Will Ever Hear
American Football The Summer Ends American Football
Foals This Orient Total Life Forever
This Town Needs Guns Baboon Animals
Tangled Hair Cardboard Hilltop First
Everyone Everywhere Raw Bar OBX 2002 Everyone Everywhere
Defiance Ohio Her Majesty's Midwestern Islands Midwestern Minutes
Mountain Goats No Children Tallahassee
Maps and Atlases Ted Zancha You and Me and the Mountain
The Octopus Project Glass Jungle Hexadecagon
Mice Parade Tokyo Late Night What It Means To Be Left-Handed
Omar Rodriguez Lopez Piedras Y Ansiedad Tychozorente
Animal Collective Did You See The Words Feels
Deerhunter Basement Scene Halcyon Digest

The Shuffle

This program is not on the schedule.
Thursday 1-2pm
Friday 1-3pm
Wednesday 12-2pm
Wednesday 12-2pm
Friday 9-10am
Like you hit the shuffle button in my head.