Bite My Shiny METAL Ass! on Sun 11/7/10

new stuff 11/7

note only 3 new songs because I had a 3rd sit in which took an hour of my show.

Artist Title Album New
Black Anvil Angels to Dust Triumvirate
Unearthly Trance Current V
Coliseum Blind in One Eye House With A Curse

Bite My Shiny METAL Ass!

This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 12-3am
Sunday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Getting repeatedly donkey punched by Satan himself.