20 Minutes into the Future on Mon 3/7/11

'label' column contains time played

Artist Title Album Label New
Pepp, Hugg Snabeln 1405
Kavinsky Wayfarer 1413
Elsiane Vaporous (Shot In The Dark remix) 1417
Justice Let There Be Light (Demo) 1422
Tones On Tail Go! 1427
Lusine, Vilja Larjosto Two Dots 1432
Yelle A Cause Des Garcons (TEPR remix) 1436
Polysics Coelacanth Is Android (MSTRKRFT remix) 1439
Junkie XL Synasthesia 1445
Ozgur Can Irony 1452
Cities Writing On The Wall (Brutal Folly remix) 1501
Kenneth Thomas The Orange Room 1506
Venus Hum Run Annie Run 1513
Robert Gitelmann, Tzooki Good Will 1517
Girl Nobody Cages (Lemon8 remix) 1525
Cut Copy Strange Nostalgia For The Future Zonoscope 1534
Cut Copy Blink And You'll Miss A Revolution Zonoscope 1536
Rain Perry Beautiful Tree (Negative Department remix) 1540
Win Win [Track 3] Win Win 1544
Fenech-Soler Lies Fenech-Soler 1549
David Lynch I Know (Sasha remix) 1553
Underworld Bird 1 Bird 1 1600
Cicada Falling Rockets (Moulinex remix) 1606
Alex Metric Holding 1611
Zowie Broken Machine (??? remix) Broken Machine 1618
Felix Da Housecat, Kris Menace Artificial 1621
The XX Crystallized (Rory Phillips remix) 1624
Fedde Le Grande Control Room 1629
Shadow Dancer Parallax 1634
Umek, Beltek Is It? 1638
Thomas Datt, Asedo Seven Years 1643
Hans Zimmer Time (We Plants Are Happy Plants remix) 1651
Robert Miles Somnambulism Thirteen 1656

20 Minutes into the Future

This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 2-5pm
Thursday 9-11pm
Thursday 12-3pm
Tuesday 1-3pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
In the future, there will be machines which will produce a religious experience in the user. 20 Minutes Into The Future can only be heard on WKDU Philadelphia. For more information, visit wkdu.org .

some links for Philadelphians:

Electronic Eel records
Plastic Operator
KiloWatts and Vanek
The Galaxist (and all of 8-bit collective)
8static (chiptune promoters)
Gaian Mind (psytrance promoters)
JHN RDN's DJ edits
611 Records
