Unconscious Compositions on Tue 8/2/11

Artist Title Album New
Boards of Canada Roygbiv B.O.C. Maxima
Brand X Sun in the Night Morrocan Roll
Brian Eno No One Recieving Before and After Science
The Clonious If Joe Had The Power Between The Dots
Dub Syndicate Forever More The Bedroom Sessions
Com Truise Cathode Girls Galactic Melt
Daedelus Sew Darn Mend Bespoke
Starscream Galeforce Future Towards the Edge of Forever
Hail Mary Mallon Smock Are You Gunna Eat That?
Egg Enneagram The Civil Surface
Eskaton Eskaton Ardeur
Starfucker Born Reptillians
Matias Aguayo Ritmo Tres Ay Ay Ay
Meat Beat Manifesto Storm the Studio Remixes Storm the Dub Remix
Wagon Christ Ain't He Heavy, He's My Brother Toomorrow
Led Bib Moth Dilemma Bring Your Own
Miles Davis Miles Runs the Voodoo Down Bitches Brew
Ozric Tentacles Eternal Wheel Erpland
Da Cruz Jangada Sistema Subversiva
Ratatat Shempi Remix Shempi 12"
Quasimoto Bus Ride Bus Ride
Squarepusher Port Rhombus Big Loada
Stakka & Skynet Pathogen Audio Blueprint
Tortoise High Class Slim Came Floatin' In Beacons of Ancestorship
World's End Girlfriend Les Enfants Du Paradis Sevon Idiots

Unconscious Compositions

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Thursday 1-3pm
Tuesday 1-4pm
Monday 1-3pm
Tune in and get psychedelic with DJ Jim. Diggin deeper and deeper into his archives, every week will surely be a heady ear candy crystaly treat. Mmmmmmm - Tuesdays on WKDU, baby.
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