Backpack on Sun 11/6/11

Artist Title Album Label New
Blonde Redhead Water Fake Can Be Just As Good Touch and Go
Russian Circles Batu Empros Sargent House
Shellac Squirrel Song 1.000 Hurts
Dick Dale Mexico Unknown Territory Hightone
The Devil Makes Three Old Number Seven Stomp and Smash
Tom Waits Talking at the Same Time Bad As Me ANTI
C.B. & Axe Gang Rosie Alex Lomax Collection Prison Songs
Why? Brook & Waxing Alopecia Anticon
Land of Talk Speak To Me Bones Applause, Cheer, Boo, Hiss
Snooks Eaglin When It Rains It Pours Teasin' You
Skeleton Rock Shock Just Dishwashed LIke a Baby
Screaming Females I Don't Mind It Daytrotter
Poopshovel Fine Opus Lengthemus
Agent Orange ...So Strange This Is The Voice


This program is not on the schedule.
Friday 3-4pm
Wednesday 11am-12pm
Monday 11am-12pm
Sunday 7-8pm
Friday 12-1pm
Friday 11am-12pm
Wednesday 10pm-12am
Wednesday 11pm-12am
Wednesday 11pm-12am
60mins of headshaking, weekly.