GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS covered by EricGross on Wed 11/23/11

Covered by Phil and Eric Gross

Artist Title Album New
Animal Collective Lion in a Coma Merriweather Post Pavillion
Nurses Eternal Thrills Dracula
Glomag End of a String DaMaGe
Grouplove Itchin' on a Photograph Never Trust A Happy Song
Cibo Matto Birthday Cake Cibo Matto EP
Brady and the Bear Devils Denial
Math the Band Why Didn't You Get A Haircut Don't Worry
Sleigh Bells Treats Treats
Crystal Castles Baptism Crystal Castles
Animal Style Bit Scrape Open Air
The Ultraball Bulbasaur
Powerglove The Simpsons Saturday Morning Apocalypse
Bit Shifter Reformat the Planet Information Chase
Cornbeast Backseat Driver Chip Hero
Animal Style Arps and Arcs Open Air


This program is not on the schedule.
Thursday 4-6pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 8-10pm
Thursday 9-10pm
Wednesday 11pm-12am
Tuesday 10-11am
Monday 10-11am
Friday 11am-12pm
Friday 10am-12pm
Friday 11am-12pm
good old fashioned female intuition