Tenseless Sensations on Thu 7/5/12

Late start but rolling quick with music from around the world and here in the USA.

Artist Title Album New
Gogol Bordello Huliganjetta Multi Kontra Culti vs Irony
Ebo Taylor Kruman Dey Strut Records April 2012 Sampler
Orchestre Poly-Rythmo Pardon Strut Records April 2012 Sampler
Oum Kolthoum Ammal Hayati
Soyol-Erdene Song of My Happiness
El Abranis Athedjaladde
Vieux Farka Toure Aigna The Secret
The Lafayette Afro Rock Band I Love Music Malik
Menelik Wossenachew Tezeta
Franco Luambo Inoussa Georgette-Inoussa 1970 & 1973
Dos Mukasan Wedding
Vasily Andreyev Recollections of Vienna
Reptar Sebastian Body Faucet
Plushgun Waste Away Me. Me.
Hot Chip Flutes In Our Heads

Tenseless Sensations

This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 4-6pm
Monday 8-10pm
Wednesday 8-10pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Thursday 9:30-11am
Wake up Philadelphia! Your city needs you. Every minute spent not listening to Tenseless Sensations every Wednesday at 4 on WKDU is a minute given to the enemy. And remember, freedom is not bought with silence.