Tenseless Sensations on Wed 10/24/12

Good Evening,
This is the Wednesday, October 24th edition of Tenseless Sensations. I obtain my music from a variety of sources, many of them via the worldwide web. I encourage my listeners to explore this vast resource and make their own sonic revelations. Perhaps start here: rcrdlbl.com. Peace.

Blog: http://tenselesssensations.blogspot.com/
Twit: https://twitter.com/NickSukiennik

Artist Title Album Label New
Wolf + Lamb vs. Greg Paulus Close To You Versus LP
Ametsub Cloudsfall All Is Silence
Peacock Dreams Visions of Chrome and Beyond The Great Time
SPIRIT ANIMAL Coe1ist [Remix of The xx album Coexist]
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros Dear Believer (Timmy the Terror Remix)
Jacques Green Sorted
Augusto Santos Tu Sombra
Escola da Samba da Cidade Ritmo De Macumba Batucada No. 3 The Exciting Rhythm of the Wild Brazilian Carnival
Kokolo Root to the Fruit More Consideration
Blues Ntaka Nankumntu Enqonqoza
Ikwunga The Afrobeat Poet Di Bombs
T.O. Jazz Owuo Adaadaa Me Ghana Special: Modern Highlife Afro-Sounds & Ghanaian Blues 1968-1981 Soundway
Sukke; Sukke Sukke Freylekh
Mas Wi Loli Cheb Khaled; Diana Haddad
Little Joy Evaporar
Lorenzo Jovanotti Mezzogiorno Italia 1988-2012
Jake Shimabukuro Gentlemandolin Grand Ukulele
Prinzhorn Dance School Seed, Crop, Harvest Clay Class
Tidal Archive with Arsenal [requiem] opus 17 Encounters Parts 1,2, and 3
Yamantaka // Sonic Titan Lamia
Tame Impala Alter Ego Innerspeaker
Animal Collective Summertime Clothes Merriweather Post Pavilion
Grizzly Bear Southern Point Veckatimest
Johnny Foreigner 200X

Tenseless Sensations

This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 4-6pm
Monday 8-10pm
Wednesday 8-10pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Thursday 9:30-11am
Wake up Philadelphia! Your city needs you. Every minute spent not listening to Tenseless Sensations every Wednesday at 4 on WKDU is a minute given to the enemy. And remember, freedom is not bought with silence.