band names with repeated words
Artist | Title | Album | New |
Dark Dark Dark | Who Needs Who | Who Needs Who | |
Kira Kira | Bless | Our Map To The Monster Olympics | |
Remember Remember | Scottish Widows | The Quickening | |
Blackbird Blackbird | Happy With You | Boracay Planet | |
Peter Peter | Une Version Amelioree de la Tristesse | Une Version Amelioree de la Tristesse | ✔ |
Gus Gus | Anthem | Gus Gus Vs T-world | |
Rebel Rebel | D.N.A. | March to a Uniform Beat | |
!!! (chk chk chk) | Slyd | Slyd | ✔ |
Giraffes? Giraffes! | Scorpion Bowls At The Hong Kong | Pink Magick | |
Xiu Xiu | I Luv the Valley OH! | Fabulous Muscles | |
Takka Takka | Our Great Escape | A.M. Landscapes | ✔ |
Liquid Liquid | Out | Liquid Liquid | |
Everything Everything | MY KZ, UR BF | Man Alive | |
Ra Ra Riot | That Much | Beta Love | ✔ |
Tapes 'n' Tapes | Freak Out | Outside | |
Yeah Yeah Yeahs | Pin | Fever To Tell | |
Now, Now | Magnet | Threads | |
Chop Chop | Shapeshifter Deception | The Spark | |
Nice Nice | Set And Setting | Extra Wow | |
Mother Mother | The Sticks | The Sticks | ✔ |
Man Man | Van Helsing Boombox | Six Demon Bag | |
Django Django | Life's A Beach | Django Django | |
Dum Dum Girls | Bedroom Eyes | Only in Dreams | |
Zun Zun Egui | Dance of the Crickets | Katang | |
Wakey! Wakey! | Almost Everything | Almost Everything I Wish I'd Said The Last Time I Saw You | |
The The | This Is The Day | London Town 1983-1993 |