Music by a Band on Mon 2/24/14

Artist Title Album New
Blondfire Young Heart
Broken Bells After The Disco
Cults High Road
The Districts Funeral Beds
The Solids Over the Sirens
Warpaint CC
Hurray For The Riff Raff The New SF Bay Blues
Wild Child Here Now
Folk Uke Reincarnation
Damien Jurado Jericho Road
Chairlift Don't Give A Damn
Mark McGuire In Search Of The Miraculous
Dum Dum Girls Cult Of Love
Those Darlins Can't Think
Gardens & Villa Minnesota
Hospitality Rockets and Jets
Painted Palms Not Really There
Hang Time Bubble Bath
Cibo Matto MFN
Bear Mountain Congo
James Vincent McMorrow Post Tropical
Chef Menteur Il Obstrue Ma Vue De VĂ©nus
of Montreal Malefic Dowery
Belle & Sebastian Desperation Made A Fool Of Me
Cate Le Bon Seaside, Lowtide
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. Gloria
Diane Coffee Tale Of A Dead Dog
Empire of the Sun Standing On The Shore

Music by a Band

This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 6-8pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Thursday 10am-12pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Monday 12-2pm
Wednesday 4-6pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 8-10pm
Monday 11am-1pm
Hey boys and girls, time to get excited for another gripping musical experience. A magnificent hodgepodge of cacophonies is to be heard far and wide. So make sure to tune in and listen to you most magnanimous DJ, here at WKDU.