Dissociative Identity on Mon 4/14/14

Artist Title Album Label New
Glocca Morra Gun Control An Obscure Moon Lightning An Obscure World http://gloccamorradied.bandcamp.com/track/gun-control
Pill Friends Parking Lot Graves Blessed Suffering http://pillfriends.bandcamp.com/track/parking-lot-graves
Grass is Green Big Dog Tee Shirt Birthday Weekend Vacation Vinny http://grassisgreen.bandcamp.com/track/big-dog-tee-shirt-birthday-weekend
Porches Jesus Universe Slow Dance in the Cosmos http://porchesmusic.bandcamp.com/track/jesus-universe
Disco Doom Rice & Bones Numerals http://discodoom.bandcamp.com/track/rice-bones-2
Every Sea Wolf Buck'd http://www.mediafire.com/download/xc90c8ab0kfe87j/every+-+buck+d.zip
Bleeding Fractals Reaches The Dim Orange Lights http://bleedingfractals.bandcamp.com/track/reaches
Soda Bomb Slugz The Future is Gonna Suck http://soda-bomb.bandcamp.com/track/slugz
Snoozer Daydream Relics EP http://snewzer.bandcamp.com/track/daydream
Cloud Nothings Quieter Today Here And Nowhere Else
Damaged Bug Photograph Hubba Bubba
Owls It Collects Itself... Two
Marietta Deck Wine Summer Death http://whereismarietta.bandcamp.com/track/deck-wine
School Girl It's Ephemeral 1/11/14 http://schoolgirl.bandcamp.com/track/its-ephemeral
David Phosphor Walrus Alderaan Odwalta Bar Winter '13 - '14 Tour Split EP http://davidphosphorwalrus.bandcamp.com/album/winter-13-14-tour-split-ep
Bone Bats Cash Bone Winter '13 - '14 Tour Split http://davidphosphorwalrus.bandcamp.com/album/winter-13-14-tour-split-ep
Abi Reimold Burn Forget http://abireimold.bandcamp.com/track/burn
Hermit Thrushes Nails in the Wood Mystery Ocean http://hermitthrushes.bandcamp.com/track/nails-in-the-wood
Donocan Wolfington Sleeping Scary Stories You Tell in The Dark http://donovanwolfingtonmusic.bandcamp.com/track/sleeping
Knights Templar Goodbye Horses (Cover) ,./<>;"?][{}\| http://knightstemplar.bandcamp.com/track/goodbye-horses-cover
Two Inch Astronaut Blood From A Loyal Hound Bad Brother http://twoinchastronaut.bandcamp.com/track/blood-from-a-loyal-hound
Son Step I'm Only Here Comes Dreamboat http://sonstep.bandcamp.com/album/here-comes-dreamboat
Ovlov Moth Rock AM http://ovlov.bandcamp.com/track/moth-rock
Cold Foamers Ride Home All Cold Everything http://coldfoamers.bandcamp.com/track/ride-home-2
Gates To Those Who Fell... You Are All You Have Left To Fear http://gates.bandcamp.com/track/to-those-who-fell
Speedy Ortiz American Horrr Real Hair
Black Lips Justice After All Underneath the Rainbow
Guided By Voices The Littlest League Motivational Jumpsuit
Eyeshock Swelter Treelights Salamander Breakfast http://eyeshockswelter.bandcamp.com/track/treelights
Loose Tooth Lizzy What It Is http://loosetoothphilly.bandcamp.com/track/lizzy
Ted Nguyent Beach Anarchy Don't Vote http://tednguyent.bandcamp.com/track/beach-anarchy
Weed Your Right Deserve http://weed.bandcamp.com/track/your-right
Dowsing Everything Works Out I Don't Even Care Anymore http://dowsing.bandcamp.com/track/everything-works-out
Amanda X After Nine Ruin The Movement http://amandax.bandcamp.com/track/after-nine
Speed Trials Well Walls Well Walls http://speedtrials.bandcamp.com/
Every Straw Buck'd http://www.mediafire.com/download/xc90c8ab0kfe87j/every+-+buck+d.zip

Dissociative Identity

This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 2-4pm
Tuesday 2-4pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Thursday 11am-2pm
Wednesday 6-7pm
Wednesday 6-7pm
Friday 11am-12pm
Friday 4-6pm
Friday 2-4pm
Sunday 6-7pm
Friday 3-6pm
Saturday 12-2pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-3pm
If your high school band was a clone of Cap'n Jazz and the only movie soundtrack you own is Friday Night Lights, Dissociative Identity is for you. Tune in for all that is math, lo-fi, garage, indie rock, and post-hardcore, with Dissociative Identity on WKDU Philadelphia, 91.7 fm.
Indie rock