Music that Kills Puppies on Sun 12/14/14

Artist Title Album New
At the Gates Death and the Labyrinth At War With Reality
Eucharist Mirrorworld Mirrorworlds
Desecresy The Sleep of Titans The Doom Skeptron
Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire Asthmatic Visceral
Bloodbath Famine of God's Word Grand Morbid Funeral
TrenchRot Death by Trenchrot Necronomic Warfare
TrenchRot Gustav Gun Necronomic Warfare
Obituary Pain Inside Inked in Blood
Shroud of the Heretic Heretical Screams Revelations in Alchemy
Dead Congregation Serpentskin Promulgation of the Fall
Coffinworm Lust vs Vengeance IV.I.VIII
Black Anvil Until the End Hail Death
Mobrus Chron The Perennial Link Sweven
Sorcier des Glaces Morbid Ritual Ritual of the End
Death Fortress Arrogant Force Among the Ranks of the Unconquerable
Amesoeurs Heurt Amesoeurs
Martyrdöd In Extremis In Extremis
Vampire Under the Grudge Vampire
Trap Them Gift and Gift Unsteady Blissfucker
Teen Cthulhu The Aquaducts Will Run Red With the Blood of the Caesar Ride the Blade
War Pigs White Sheets Degeneration
Hound Houdini Out of Time
Hound Stupid Dreams Out of Time
Eyehategod Robotussin and Rejection Eyehategod

Music that Kills Puppies

This program is not on the schedule.
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 9-11pm
Monday 8-10pm
Monday 8-10pm
Monday 8-10pm
Monday 7-9pm
Monday 7-9pm
Tuesday 5-7pm
Monday 5-7pm
Monday 7-9pm
I command you to listen to Music that Kills Puppies. And, no, I don't mean the music Michael Vick listens to. Scare away your friends and family with music that your grandma thinks sounds like hedge-clippers. Not bound by stigma, creed, or ethos; a potent mix of the most hellish music this world has to offer.

Big Balls, Bigger Riffs.
