Cosmic Debris on Mon 4/13/15

First hour Only

Artist Title Album New
Jota Ese Sex With Strangers
Rosie and the Originals Angel Baby
Blue Smiley warn ok
LVL UP BDTS HoodWink'd
Fat History Month Bad History Month Bad History Month
Pg. 99 In Love With An Apparition Document 8
Idiot Forever Topaz Druid Okananga
Pavement Grounded Wowee Zowee
Void Who Are You
Nah Future Thrills Difficult
Krill Tiger Distant Fist Unclenching
The Spirit of The Beehive Fever Dream S/T
Pile Mr. Fish
Porches. Intimate Slow Dances In the Cosmos

Cosmic Debris

This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 8-10pm
Friday 2-4pm
Friday 2-4pm
"I just do whatever makes me happy and other people bummed"- neck face
Bossa nova